Space Engineers [Community Projekt] – Wir starten wieder durch!

It’s already there! The Space Engineers Community Project. We are again searchin for Technics, Constructors and scientists in the Space. What we offer and the possibilities for, you can get right here right now.

For 6 months season 2 was ran, now we get started with a few new stuff and mods (but possibly in a later stadium) in the next round. The number of Administratores was increased for better handling with problems and enhancements.

What we should say first:

Gamertag: Cecilia / Englische Übersetzung

We’re starting without mods, so the plan actually. We don’t wanna slow the Space Engineers server like in season 2 with to much mods. We have prepared our tactics and our knowledge. Also we have new server hardware. Especially these we adjust the number of slots by the number of players. So you haven’t to stay outside, cause there is full house.

As official start we give you the announcment for the 1st of February.

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The “Space Engineers” Steamgroup will again be filled with content. “Come on in and find out”. For our international guests we publish every one or two weeks a new article from “Outa Space” in 3 languages: German, Englisch and Italian.

Space Engineers_Game2Gether_Community ServerOf course, we ask every participant for being respective and courtesy to other players. On unaccaptable verbal attacks we will respond in any case very strong, however that was never a problem in season 1 and season 2. So we really look forward with much more fun to play outside there in the infinite space.

As an administrator, we needn’t to introduce Felix. Allthough, no new person, but interested to support you in some cases: Ralf. And finally: Me. Darwish a.k.a. Michael.>

At the headstart we’re making a trio to engage all important things. Not only the infinite space, also planets will be a new challenge. Last point would be integrated meanwhile during the development by Keenhouse Software. Those planets have all the characteristics like there originals. Atmosphere, Gravitation, Tropospher, Materials and so on.

Space Engineers_Game2Gether_Community ServerNote current version with planets:

Since then, the planet had been integrated DirectX11 is required. Of course, we regret those who played with us in season 1 and 2 in this case, because of their DirectX9 Grafic card unfortunately shows a problem. We are pleased, of course, even if you should encounter later to us. Otherwise come in Teamspeak for a conversation. You are welcome all the time.

In point of server maintenance you all should read and respect the following points. It’s more to you then to us:

  • Name your ships, stations and whatever. For example: Star Trek Fans use a form like “U.S.S. Geronimo”. Every usable block have default names like “Merge Block” and so on. So we, as the adminstrators, can see what we have to delete while maintenance and where we should leave our fingers away. So the offline time will be also reduced for that.
  • Until the 15. February we think a special protection for all should be useful. We want to give everyone the chance to find away to survive. Therefore we discipline any unnecassary attacks. After the half month we think all players should have a state of progress to defend themselves. We are looking forward on the political developments.

Space Engineers_Game2Gether_Community Server

We are always open to your suggestions. Ideas for interesting modifications? Do you want to commit yourselves (Translations, administration….)? Sure we can speak about all points, but sometimes we need more than 5 minutes to discuss with other administrators for making decisions.

To start again, we give you the following kay information about the server on the way:

  • Game2Gether Teamspeak:

Tips regarding the server address:

You can set oure Space Engineers servers as a favourite in Game and also in Steam. Alternatively, set a link shortcut on your desktop. Steam should be started before double clicking this and so game will start and connect you directly to the server.

So you all are welcome to Season 3 of the “Space Engineers Community Event”.