Medieval Engineers: Update 02.020 – Burgenbelagerung ahoi

Original message

We are introducing the Castle Siege mode! This is the first work-in-progress version of a new mode that will grow and expand as the game does. The mode has been created to introduce a fast-paced proving ground for your castle designs.

You can play as an attacker or defender and either defend your castle from opponents’ raids or lead the attack to capture the castle. The maximum number of players that can be in the game is 6 at the moment, but this will increase later in the future.

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Quick Guide


  • Defenders spawn next to their castle at the start of the siege and have to run inside the castle, close the gates behind them and secure the area.
  • Goal: defend your King statue for the set amount of time (default 30 minutes) or destroy the attackers’ respawn points (beds)
  • Your statue loses components with every defender’s death (30 respawns will destroy even undamaged statue)
  • Castle Siege Map: Defender can always use the official map. If you want your own, or to tweak the official one, click on new world, custom world, select battlemap castle (the last scenario as of now), load it in creative and make the changes you want. Each object will add to the point count of the map. You can look at the count by pressing “l” and then selecting the checkbox Show construction count.


  • Goal: destroy the defenders King statue in time and do not lose all your spawn points (beds)
  • Siege equipment: Each attacker leader selects blueprints he wants available for the battle in the “Plan Attack” button. Every blueprint has a point value. Attacker can only select blueprints up to this maximum point value set for attackers by the server.
  • After the battle starts, the attacker leader has a short amount of time to place all your blueprints; if you forget to place some in the time limit, you won’t have another chance.

NOTE: every blueprint made after 02_020 will be usable in battles. If you want your older creations to be usable, just place them in a creative world, copy them to a clipboard, select their name on the blueprint screen and press replace with clipboard.

Full list of new features and fixes:

Michael Bellia
Mit Game2Gether habe ich vor einigen Jahren meine ersten Erfahrungen im Bereich "Spiele Redakteur" gesammelt. Mit diesem Team konnte ich weiterhin darauf aufbauen und aus einem Hobby eine kleine Berufung entstehen lassen. An dieser Stelle: Danke dafür! Heute spiele und arbeite ich, mit eigenem Projekt im Hintergrund, Hand in Hand mit diesen Geegs zusammen und freue mich besonders über die internationale Community, die sich dank manchen Projekten und mehrsprachigen Artikeln eingefunden hat.