Das Patch Gewitter um AC: Unity nimmt kein Ende.
Der nächste Patch ist direkt schon in der Testphase und soll sich speziell um die Performance Probleme bzw. die Frame Rate kümmern.
Welche Prioritäten Ubisoft diesmal genau setzt sagen sie euch am besten selber:
Game Crashes After Loading Your Save
- We’re devoting a lot of attention to this one and we have a workaround (try taking your system offline and reload your save, you should be able to play offline).
- Most instances of this crash will be eliminated in Patch 4, but if you do still encounter this issue after the Patch is applied please file a Customer Support ticket to help us identify what your issue is so we can create a fix for it.
PS4 Error Code CE-34878-0
- Similar to the crash mentioned above, the game freezes or crashes after loading your save.
- This particular error message is exclusive to PS4. This issue should be resolved in Patch 4.
Initiates Legacy Recognition Issues
- Many of these issues have been resolved, but we’ve noted that it could still take several days for all of your progress from past games to be fully updated. If after five days you still don’t see your progress accurately reflected on the site, please file a ticket with Customer Support so we can more closely examine this issue.
Companion App Issues
We’ve just released a new patch for the Companion App, so be sure to update to release 1.04 if you have not already. This patch addresses the following issues:
- Restoration of lost Premiums
- Fixed synchronization issues for first-time users and at log-in
- Fixed the “no assassin” issue in the tutorial
- Fixed missions with 100% odds of success that could fail
- Fixed an issue with lost progress – simply resync with the HD game and load your save, this will synchronize your online progression data.
Eine kleine aber für viele User, wichtige Frage wurde ebenso beantwortet.
Many of you have asked about how Season Pass owners will receive their free gift offer and we will have an update that outlines the process in greater detail very soon. For now, we can tell you that we’re working on a web-based solution for submitting requests and distribution fulfillment.
Es ist zumindest mal eine Aussage!
Hoffen wir das der Patch diesmal besser und vor allem für alle User die gleichen Ergebnisse bringt, damit alle das Spiel endlich Lagfrei genießen könnt.
Quelle: Ubisoft